Update news EVN

As coal and water sources decline, Vietnam thinks of nuclear power again

Solar power is booming in Vietnam, but the output is not high enough to satisfy domestic demand.

Economists suggest using private capital for power transmission lines

Private capital is the best solution for upgrading of power transmission lines, which have traditionally been funded by the state.

Warning of electricity shortage, Vietnam seeks energy savings

The demand for electricity merchandise will be high in the upcoming years: 235 billion kwh, 352 billion kwh and 506 billion kwh by 2020, 2025 and 2030, respectively.

Vietnam to have 2,000MW of rooftop solar power capacity in 2020

The country's total rooftop solar power capacity is expected to reach around 2,000 MW by the end of 2020, according to Viet Nam Electricity (EVN).

Investors wait for new solar electricity prices

The preferential electricity purchase price of 9.35 cent per kwh expired one month ago, but the new price has not been fixed.

Experts call for allowing private capital in power grid construction

With power transmission lines and sub-stations getting overloaded in some provinces, authorities and experts have urged the Government to allow renewable energy investors to install transmission systems and transfer them to EVN for operation.

Industry Ministry urges bidding mechanism for solar power projects

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has called for a pilot scheme on realizing a bidding mechanism for solar power projects in 2020 prior to the official launch and widespread implementation of such bidding as from 2021.

Vietnam considers importing more electricity from China

The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) said Vietnam will have to increase the import of electricity from Laos and China.

Wind, solar power cannot join national grid

In the two provinces of Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan, wind and solar power plants are running at moderate level because they cannot provide electricity to the national grid.

Wind, solar power plants cannot sell electricity

Responding to the state’s call, private investors have poured money into renewable power projects, but problems remain.

EVN supports one price at 9.35 US cents for rooftop solar power

The Vietnam Electricity (EVN) group has agreed with continuing the current feed-in tariff (FiT) rate at 9.35 US cents per kWh for rooftop solar power projects nationwide until 2021.

Who is leading in the renewable energy sector?

With 88 solar and wind power plants going to join the national grid by June, Vietnam’s renewable energy industry is taking shape.

Vietnam prepares for competitive electricity market by 2021

Not much work has been done to prepare for the opening of the competitive retail market, slated for 2021. Under the PM Decision released in October 2013, the competitive electricity market will take shape in a 3-stage roadmap.

Vietnam will import LNG

Vietnam's gas supply is forecast to fall short of demand between 2017 and 2035, therefore, which makes it necessary to develop new gas sources, build infrastructure to develop marginal gas fields or even import liquefied natural gas (LNG).


The financial bottleneck of green credit in Vietnam

Domestic credit sources can only satisfy one-ninth of the total capital demand for renewable energy projects, which are becoming more popular in Vietnam.

Green financing: banks pull back

Environmental protection projects in Vietnam need a fund of $753 billion. The State Bank of Vietnam has included green financing program in legal documents to drive loans to projects for sustainable development.

Vietnam Electricity Group to complete divestment in 2019

Vietnam Electricity (EVN) expects to complete its divestment from both core and non-core businesses this year.


EVN to complete divestment in 2019

Viet Nam Electricity (EVN) expects to complete its divestment from both core and non-core businesses this year.

NA deputies question EVN power tariff hike

Discussion about the recent power price hike heated up the National Assembly (NA) morning session today.

Is Electricity of Vietnam making a profit or taking a loss?

With increasingly high demand for electricity and the latest 8.36 percent electricity price spike, Electricity of Vietnam Group (EVN) and other power generation companies have seen profits soar.