VietNamNet Bridge – The nation’s education system could see a paradigm shift from knowledge acquisition to how students can use knowledge to solve problems.


Viet Nam’s General Education reform: High school curriculum. -- Infographic Trong Kien

A draft plan for comprehensive education reform could very well shatter the typical image of Vietnamese schools as places where students learn the same things and have the same ideas.

The draft plan, in preparation for about three years now, seeks to bring about the most “drastic and positive changes” to the nation’s education system.

Drafters are hoping that the plan will address frequent public criticism of authorities’ failure to create a practical curriculum for K-12 education in the country.

Accordingly, the General Education Renovation Project has an overarching objective of raising students’ learning outcomes, officials say.

They add that the curriculum will be revised using a competency-based approach and improving the effectiveness of instruction by creating and disseminating content that aligns with the revised curriculum.

 Nguyen Minh Thuyet, the programme’s conductor and overseer, said the new general education curriculum aims to develop the key qualities and competencies of 21st century citizens. 

‘Ideal graduate’

It starts with a conception of the “ideal graduate” as someone who has developed ethically, intellectually and physically, and who can apply learning to real world challenges.

 “This can be considered a breakthrough in the way we approach the problem. Previously, educators asked: ‘What do WE want the students to know?’ Now we try to seek the answer to the question, ‘What can students do, and how?’”, Thuyet said.

Basically it’s the well-known competence-based approach to education, which, although not new to many countries, is a paradigm shift for a system like the one that Viet Nam has at present.

“We are finally taking the right path,” Thuyet said.

 “I’m not a person who is pessimistic about Viet Nam’s education system. But we have to admit that can’t be pleased about it. We’re facing the fact that despite Vietnamese workers having relatively strong levels of literacy, employers report difficulties in hiring new workers with adequate skills.”

Thuyet said employers have emphasized their need for employees who are equipped not only with technical skills, but also with cognitive and behavioural skills, such as the ability to think critically, solve problems, and communicate properly.

“Apart from weaknesses like the lack of practical skills and creativity another important fact is that many Vietnamese youth still don’t have big dreams, big visions, and are often easily satisfied with their initial achievement,” Thuyet said.

 “That’s why we need to work to change things,” he said.

Core competencies

The targeted changes include a flexible curriculum that has ample space for elective subjects and follows an interdisciplinary approach at the lower levels and an individual, career-oriented one at the high-school level, as also a pedagogy that combines both lectures and out-of-the-classroom activities. 

The “future image” of a student emerging from the renovation project would be a person with certain qualities and competencies.

The qualities a student is expected to have include patriotism, kindness, diligence, honesty and responsibility; and the competencies include self-control, independent learning, communication and collaboration, problem-solving and creativity, as also core competencies in languages, mathematics, social sciences and natural sciences research, technology, computer science, aesthetics and physical capacity.

In order to have such students, the draft plan envisages a flexible curriculum of traditional subjects like literature, mathematics, foreign language, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and some new optional subjects like “creative activities.”

 Thuyet said the detailed curriculum will be developed in the months to come, but it will surely be “competency-based,” promoting the emergence of graduates with cognitive and behavioral skills necessary to gain employment and promote economic growth.

Alongside the flexible curriculum, another important change planned to the system is the development of pedagogies that support the ability to apply knowledge and minimize rote learning and memorization. 

 “We understand that the task to transform Vietnamese teachers into professionals capable of providing new content and employing new instruction methods is an essential element. To affect this change, teachers will need more customized support,” Thuyet said.

Not there yet 

Despite the considerable efforts made by the drafters of the plan, the feedback has been mixed.

Some experts said the workload was still huge for K-12 students, and others expressed disappointment at the lack of breakthroughs in the curriculum.

However, Tran My An, a senior education specialist from World Bank, said she and other specialists were highly appreciative of the efforts made.

“The draft document for this comprehensive program is an important step towards the reform of the general education system in Viet Nam. The overall curriculum describes in detail many of the curricular reform and outlines the concepts and goals associated with reform,” she said.

“The … programme clearly identifies core qualities and core competencies of students expected at the end of the general education curriculum; this can be an orientation for building of teaching programmes for specific subjects and the foundation for the development of the next projects as well as implementation and evaluation procedures,” she added. 

Participatory effort

Among many people offering their two cents’ worth was Trinh Ngoc Anh, a PhD student in Education at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. 

In a comment that touched all key parts of the plan, she said key components of the plan should be visions, values, missions and principles that are relevant to Vietnamese settings.

She suggested that apart from learning from and emulating good practices in other countries, other stakeholders like teachers, parents, students in the country are consulted. This can create an open and engaging spirit, and inputs from these stakeholders could generate more effective, appropriate and achievable goals for the plan.

She also felt an interdisciplinary approach should be adopted to achieve core competences rather than putting them in different lists.

She said competence in problem-solving should be put at the centre as it includes many significant sub-competences like critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, collaboration, co-operation as also independence.

“Intercultural competence” should be added to the list, she said.

Pham Tat Dong, Vice Chairman of the Viet Nam Learning Promotion Association, said the plan should not separate “dispositions” and “competencies.”

 “The dispositions, or qualities, are reflected in the competencies of each action of the student already,” he said.  

Ngoc Anh suggested that some subjects are combined and others removed in order to reduce the workload in the new curriculum.

She also felt it was important to providing key learning skills like brainstorming, outlining, note-taking, critical reading, critical thinking, summarising, synthesising, and evaluation to students of all levels. 

On the issue that most people were concerned about, the inclusion of career-oriented subjects, Anh said the draft plan included too many of them, making the curriculum needlessly cumbersome.

She laid out subjects that she thought were essential and helpful. The compulsory list would include Vietnamese, Maths, Foreign Language, National defence education and physical education. The career-oriented subjects, meanwhile, would include natural sciences (Physics, Biology, Chemistry); social sciences (History, Geography, Culture); Information and Technology Science; and arts (Music, Fine Arts, Design).

Will it happen?

My An of the World Bank said that successful implementation of the draft plan depends a lot on how the students are taught and how the teaching method is set for each subject.

Thuyet agreed. “It’s not going to be easy. The previous plan that was launched in 2001 with a similar idea failed, because we didn’t have enough of the elements required, most importantly, competent teachers.”

The important of improving the quality of teachers was also shared by Anh, who said that, financial investments should be made in training teachers, designing curricula and teaching materials.

The renovation in teaching method, however, could only prove effective if the method to evaluate students’ outcomes is done differently, Thuyet said.

The draft plan proposed that students should no longer have to take the national exam at the end of their term to graduate. Instead, they would be evaluated on their overall performance over the high school years.

“Currently, teachers hesitate to renovate their teaching methods because the students, at the end of the day, still have to take an exam at the end of their high school years.

“(At present) If a teacher wants to encourage students to discuss problems, to work on research projects and so on, there will not be enough time to finish the designed lessons on which the final exams are based,” Thuyet said.

“Hopefully this can change, and a change in the way students are evaluated can be a motivation for teachers to renovate themselves,” he said.

Nguyen Ngoc, a well-known veteran author and novelist who is also very passionate about the country’s education system, said he found the high school graduation exam in France interesting and encouraging.

He said that in 2015, the philosophy exam asked high school students about the relationship between truth and politics. The next day, a French national newspaper asked their congressmen to write on the same topic and it resulted in an interesting national conversation

“I think the mission of general education should be to prepare a student to be able to face and answer questions relating to contemporary topics. A high school graduate should be able to do that, and should be pondering about such questions.” Ngoc said.

Financial support and proper facilities are other important factors for the success of the plan, Thuyet added.

“Authorities of each locality would have to support us in this cause.  If local authorities, who can regulate the use of land (for school) and financial budget, are not supportive enough to prioritise education, it will be a challenge,” he said.

My An from the World Bank shared his concerns.

“There is one question that lingers in our mind is should we build a plan that fits the country’s current conditions, or should we build it how we want it to be and require the State to provide all the elements needed for its success. This question can only be answered by consulting the government and society,” An said.


Viet Nam’s General Education reform: Primary and Secondary education curriculum. — Infographic Trong Kien


Viet Nam’s General Education reform. -- Infographic Trong Kien


An ideal student image after graduating.— Infographic Doan Tung


Future students are expected to have competencies like independent learning, communication and collaboration, problem-solving and creativity.—VNA/VNS Photo Minh Quyet

Nguyen Ngoc, veteran writer

During the twelve years of general education, you can learn a lot of things, but you have to be able to come up with your own answers to current problems.  Isn’t this the mission of education? A general education should help create an individual who is independent and free-thinking, because only such individuals can face a world that always poses questions. 

Nguyen Minh Thuyet, programme’s conductor

Although we didn’t mention the word "education philosophy" in the draft… . I think a group of people drafting a plan can’t come up with a philosophy for the whole society… but I think the philosophy we want to talk about is embedded in the details of the draft: that we’re going to help create students who are independent, free thinking and able to solve the problems they face with all the qualities and competencies they’re getting after 12 years. The plan is also democratic. We’re not imposing a rigid plan, but one that schools can adapt flexibly, according to their own conditions. Of course, to be able to do this, we’ll need support from the government, the willingness of teaches to change, and the satisfaction of society as a whole.

Tran My An, Senior Education Specialist, World Bank

In order to achieve the goals of the curriculum, Viet Nam needs to develop a reading culture in schools and communities. The school and family environment needs to be designed to support this, with small libraries of books of different topics that can be used also to develop presentation and teamwork skills.

There needs to be flexibility within the school, too, and the classroom concept needs to change. Instead of sitting in one classroom throughout the school year, students should move to different classrooms depending on the course they have enrolled in.

Thu Van


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