VietNamNet Bridge - The Delta Aquarids meteor shower with about 20 streaks per hour is expected to appear in late July. Vietnam will be one of the countries where the phenomenon can be seen.


Delta Aquarids usually takes place from July 12 to August 23 every year with peak activity on July 28 or 29, with about 15-20 streaks per hour during optimal observing conditions.

"Vietnam is situated in the area where the Delta Aquarids can be observed and the peak is at dawn on July 30," said Dang Duy Tuan, from the HCM City Amateur Astronomers Club.

Sky-watchers are suggested to look at the eastern sky with its radiant located to the left of the Fomalhaut star.

The Delta Aquarids meteor shower peak will be highlighted as well with the new moon occurring on Saturday, July 26.

According to ITWire report, viewers in the northern tropics (southern latitudes) of the Northern Hemisphere will have decent observations of the Delta Aquarids meteor shower.

The peak of the Delta Aquarids meteor shower in the Northern Hemisphere is scheduled to take place on Aug 13 and 14. For the Northern peak, 10 meteors per hour are expected to be visible when the observers look in the lower southern to southeastern sky close to the Aquarius constellation.  

"This year's peak occurs during a new moon, which means dark skies for optimal viewing. Begin looking for these faint meteors after midnight," NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) stated in the Epoch Times report.

The meteors may be difficult to spot but the visibility is anticipated to rise during its peak time.

To best view the meteor shower, observers from both the Southern and Northern Hemispheres must find a spot away from the bright city and street lights.

"Lie flat on your back and look up, taking in as much of the sky as possible. However, looking halfway between the horizon and the zenith, and 45 degrees from the constellation of Aquarius will improve your chances of viewing the Delta Aquarids. In less than 30 minutes in the dark, your eyes will adapt and you will begin to see meteors," NASA suggested.

There will be two more meteor showers gracing the sky almost at the same time with the Delta Aquarids this July and then in August.

The Alpha Capricornids, also with the July 28 and 29 peak time, started its display on July 11 and will run through Aug 10 with few meteors visible but with a shower producing bright fireballs in the sky.

The Perseids meteor shower display is scheduled as well to take place from July 13 to Aug 26 with the peak times on Aug 11 and 12. The Perseids meteor shower has many meteors visible.

Compiled by Na Son