A beach spanning nearly 4 kilometres in Danang City has been seriously polluted with the water turned into black colour for days.



Wastewater discharged from Phu Loc Wastewater Treatment Station

From Phu Loc River to the Da Phuoc Urban Area, rubbish was swept into the beach. Fisherman Nguyen Doan said the water turned black since February 10.

"Water also turned into a dark colour before but it has never been so black with so much rubbish," he said. "Everyone is worried and no one dares to swim."

Phan Xuan Hien, a local in Xuan Ha Ward, said, "There's no rain yet. The beach looks really ugly and dirty. The locals don't dare to swim in such water, let alone tourists."

Mai Ma, director of Danang Drainage and Wastewater Treatment Company, said he thought the cause for the on-going pollution might be untreated wastewater. The wastewater from various locations such as Khanh Son dumping site or Hoa Khanh market was discharged into Phu Loc River and then went into the sea.

"There's no accurate data and solution to the problem yet. However, Phu Loc Wastewater Treatment Station has fulfilled its responsibility to deal with over 40,000 cubic metres of wastewater. We are investigating the case and will propose a solution as soon as possible," he said.
