The Viet Nam National Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism in the western ouskirts of Hà Nội recently hosted Thanks Gods ritual of Cơ Tu ethnic minority group from A Lưới District, central province of Thừa Thiên-Huế.

The event was organised in a series of activities to celebrate the Việt Nam Ethnic Culture Day (April 19).

The ritual is always held in the second or third month of the lunar year, when locals finish harvesting crops and prepare for a new planting season. The traditional ritual, which is organised inside locals communal house, is called nhà Gươi in Vietnamese, dedicated to gods of heaven, land, river, stream and forest.

The ritual aims to thank the gods for their protection for locals to harvest good crops, raise healthy poultry and wish for good health, good weather and good fortune.

The event is also a chance for locals to exchange, dance, sing and play folk games.

Cơ Tu people believe every object has a spirit and people’s fates belong to super natural powers. That’s why worshipping nature’s gods is a tradition in Cơ Tu group’s spiritual life.

Cơ Tu  group is also know as Ca Tu, Hạ Phương or Ca Tang group. They live mostly in central of Việt Nam and lower regions of Laos. At present, the group has population of around 76,000 people. 


Young women dance at the ritual. 


The ritual is a chance for the group to exchange stories and enjoy each other’s company. 


Visitors drink wine through straw. 


An old man prepares offerings for the worship ceremony. 


The ritual is a chance for people to meet and greet each other. 


Women dance at the ritual. 


Men play traditional instruments. 


The ritual dedicates gods of heaven, land, river, stream and forest.