Chinese cars

Update news Chinese cars

Chinese electric carmakers flock to VN, but do not set up charging stations

Vietnam is a promising market for Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers, but Chinese brands' inattention to charging station networks will keep Vietnamese buyers away.

Automakers warned against underestimating reputation of Chinese cars

Contrary to all predictions, Chinese cars continue to flow into Vietnam and sales have been increasing steadily, despite Covid-19 and the poor reputation of Chinese brands.

Unprecedented: Chinese car imports selling well in Vietnam

Chinese car brands made a breakthrough in 2020 when their cars began selling well in Vietnam, which had never before favored products from China.

Chinese cars to arrive in Vietnam en masse

Chinese cars will flood the Vietnamese market, both CBU and domestically assembled products, soon after the epidemic ends.

Will Chinese cars flood the Vietnam market?

Car dealers have halted the import of Chinese cars but are expected to resume early next year.

Will Nissan's old distributor bring Chinese cars to Vietnam?

Instead of distributing Nissan products, Tan Chong Motor will assemble, import and distribute Chinese cars in the Vietnamese market.

Super-cheap cars advertised in Vietnam are made in China

The public in recent weeks has been stirred up by the news about super cheap cars, costing only VND240 million for a 7-seater model and VND40 million for a 1-seater model. The products are made in China.

Chinese auto manufacturers trying to enter Vietnam market again

VietNamNet Bridge - Chinese brands some years ago attended a series of automobile exhibitions and ran large advertisement campaigns. But a short time later, they left Vietnam.

As Chinese auto imports rise, opinions differ on benefits to economy

 VietNamNet Bridge - Imports of Chinese trucks are affecting domestic auto manufacturers and causing losses to the state budget, according to the Vietnam Association of Mechanical Industry (VAMI).