Vietnamese and international friends around the globe are continuing to protest against China’s illegal placement of an oil drilling rig in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf in the East Sea.


In Italy, large crowds of demonstrators gathered for a peaceful march near the Chinese Embassy in Rome on May 18 waving banners and placards transcribed in multiple languages drawing attention to China’s actions and calling on China to respect international law and remove the rig.

The demonstrators called on peace lovers globally to raise their voices in unison with the Vietnamese people for a peaceful solution to the dispute and to steadfastly stand shoulder to shoulder in opposition to the Chinese Government’s illegal action.

The Vietnamese Students Association in Italy issued a declaration, condemning China’s violation and asserting that two Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes are the rightful territory of Vietnam according to internationally renowned experts, fully evidenced and supported by historical documents.

They called on China to bring a peaceful settlement to the dispute by removing the oil rig and refrain from any further escalation.

The Vietnamese People Association in Angola rallied on May 18 displaying their objections to China’s provocation in the East Sea and to solicit funds for the Vietnam Coast Guard.

In an open letter to the Vietnam Coast Guard and Vietnam Fisheries Resources Surveillance forces, the Vietnamese People Association said they were choked with indignation at the sight of seeing Vietnam’s fisheries surveillance ships and coast guard vessels being fired upon by water cannons and attacked by Chinese vessels, and proud of the bravery and courage of the forces.

The association has so far collected more than US$27,000 in support of the two forces.

Thousands of Vietnamese expatriates across Australia joined demonstrations on May 17-18 to protest against China’s provocation.

Protestors vociferously raised slogans in opposition to China’s East Sea violation and hymned the national anthem.  They also praised national solidarity, affirming their responsibility and willingness to fight and sacrifice for national protection.

Tran Ba Phuc, President of the Vietnam Business Association in Australia, called on Vietnamese people around the world and international community to support Vietnam in the fight to defend its sovereignty in the East Sea.

Through peaceful demonstrations, Vietnamese people in Australia wanted to send a message to international friends that Vietnam has a tradition of peace loving and mutual respect for other nations.

More than 300 students and Vietnamese nationals on May 17 demonstrated in front of the Chinese Embassy in Brussels, Belgium, to oppose Beijing’s illegal placement of the Haiyang 981 oil rig in Vietnam’s territorial waters.

Among the protesters were Belgians who supported Vietnam. They stressed  China’s placement of the Haiyang 981 oil rig in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf and Chinese provocation and intimidation against Vietnamese law enforcement vessels, have seriously violated Vietnam’s sovereignty and jurisdiction, the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and other agreements between the two countries’ senior leaders.

China’s actions have complicated the East Sea situation, hampered peaceful measures to resolve disputes, threatened maritime safety and security, and caused regional instability.

Huynh Cong My, President of the Vietnamese Association in Belgium said the Association will organise a meeting in front of the European Council’s headquarters and join the Vietnamese Friendship Associations in other countries to hold marches to call for international support.

Anjuska Weil, member of the Presidium of the Swiss Labour Party, confirmed that China’s claims in the East Sea are contrary to international law. China’s placement of the oil rig has abused the law. She said the international community should request China immediately stop is illegal actions against its neighbouring countries, for peace and stability in the East Sea.

Italian congressmen issued a statement saying that in order to resolve East Sea tension, it’s imperative to seek peaceful and cooperative measures in line with international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

The Sydney Morning Herald of Australia ran an article reporting that Beijing’s actions increase dangers in the East Sea.

Following a series of marches across the US in recent days, the Vietnamese community in Washington DC and adjacent areas will hold a demonstration condemning China’s provocation on May 18.

David Huy Ho, President of the Vietnamese Business Association in the US emphasized that they will continue to organize demonstrations until China withdraw the drilling rig from Vietnam’s territorial waters.

OVs in the US have also implemented a wide range of activities, forcing China to end violating Vietnam’s sovereignty.

David Huy Ho

Ho said they are collecting signatures of Vietnamese people and the world to submit to US Senate and House of Representatives, asking the US to take immediate action, for example considering China’s provocation. Under US law, if 100,000 signatures are collected, the US will consider the problem.

Earlier on May 16, the Vietnamese Youth and Students Association sent a letter to President Barack Obama and other high-ranking officials, showing their protest against China’s violation on Vietnam’s sovereignty.

The association is raising funds to support Vietnamese soldiers at Hoang Sa (Paracel) islands and taking part in marches in San Francisco, New York and Washington DC.

*** Together with Vietnamese people and foreign friends around the globe, Vietnamese people in Mexico strongly protested against China’s East Sea violation and displayed their willingness to protect the national sovereignty.

Ambassador to Mexico Le Thanh Tung launched a campaign as a fundraiser for soldiers who are protecting homeland. More than US$3,600 have been raised from 50 Vietnamese people in Mexico and will be sent to Vietnamese coast guard.

*** Asia Channel News reported that around 200 Filipino and Vietnamese people joined a march on May 16, opposing China’s illegal placement of   the Haiyang Shiyou-981 oil rig in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.