The Prime Ministers of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (CLV) have reaffirmed their commitment to further deepening comprehensive cooperation among the three countries and building integrated, sustainable and prosperous CLV economies, an indispensable part of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025.


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (C) takes photo with his Lao and Cambodian counterparts

The three PMs signed a Joint Declaration on the CLV Development Triangle Area cooperation at the end of the 10th CLV Summit in Hanoi on March 31.

The following is the full text of the Joint Declaration.


WE, the Heads of the Governments of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (hereinafter referred to as CLV) gather for the Tenth CLV Summit on Development Triangle Area on 31 March 2018 in Hanoi, Viet Nam.

Appreciating that the traditional relationship of friendship, solidarity, good neighborliness and comprehensive cooperation among the three countries has significantly contributed to the development of each country and to peace, stability and prosperity of the whole region.

Noting with satisfaction the significant progress made in the implementation of the revised Master Plan for the Socio-Economic Development of the CLV Development Triangle Area (DTA) for 2010 - 2020 as well as cooperation activities and programs in various areas among the three countries.

Recognizing that while CLV countries have become one of the fastest growing sub-regions and important achievements have been made in socio-economic development, the three countries are still facing many challenges in ensuring that the economic growth is sustainable and inclusive, in addressing the adverse impacts of climate change and narrowing the development gap within ASEAN Member States.

Understanding that to maintain the growth momentum, CLV countries must be steadfast in their regional integration, economic restructuring and improving business environments; it’s also imperative for CLV countries to capitalize on opportunities presented by the 4th industrial revolution. 

Underlining the need for better connectivity among CLV economies to enhance economic competitiveness, effectively engage in the regional and global value chains and jointly address challenges.


1. We reaffirm our commitment to further deepening comprehensive cooperation among the three countries and building integrated, sustainable and prosperous CLV economies, an indispensable part of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, through collective efforts and appropriate national policies.To fulfill this vision, we continue to attach great importance to the development of border provinces in the CLV DTA and narrowing the development gap within ASEAN Member States. 

2. We commend the efforts of the CLV Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) in the implementation of the Revised Master Plan for the Socio-Economic Development of the CLV DTA for 2010 - 2020 as well as other guidance and decisions made at the 9th CLV Summit. These efforts have led to positive changes in people’s living standardsand level of the development inthe CLV DTA. We also welcome the outcomes of the 11th CLV JCC held from 17-19 December 2017 in Binh Phuoc, Viet Nam and the Working Group meeting on discussions on the draft Action Plan for Cambodia - Laos- Viet Nam Economic Connectivity up to 2030 held from 27-28 January 2018 in Kratie, Cambodia.

3. To deepen economic integration, enhance competitiveness and maintain the growth momentum of CLV economies,we therefore, endorse the Action Plan for Cambodia - Laos - Viet Nam Economic Connectivity up to 2030 to serve as a guiding document for CLV cooperation, including but not limited to institutional, infrastructure and economic, and people-to-people connectivity. 

3.1. Institutional connectivity comprises of increased policy communications and exchanges of information; coordination in developing and implementing the macro policies; simplifying procedures to promote investment, trade, tourism, agriculture, transport, human resource training/development and management, creating a favorable environment for citizens and businesses of the three countries to cooperate for mutual benefit.

3.2. Infrastructure and economic connectivity focuses inter alia on upgrading, modernizing and ensuring convenient and smooth connectivity in all kinds of transportation, information and communications technology (ICT), energy, trade, finance and banking, agriculture,and tourism; cooperation in addressing climate change, environmental protection and natural resource conversation, particularly forest and Mekong river’s water and related resources; clearance of landmines and unexploded ordnance. 

3.3. People-to-people connectivity include connectivity in the fields of education, health, culture, sports, tourism, entrepreneurship, charity activities, human resource training/development and management; enhancing people exchange.

To implement this Action Plan, we task the JCC to develop specific plans and projects and annually review and update the Action Plan, reflecting the actual situations and needs of CLV Countries.

4. We fully support exchanges, dialogues and collaboration among parliaments, and government agencies as well as activities to promote cooperation between people and businesses of the three countries. We congratulate the outcomes of the Sixth Conference of Foreign Affairs Committees of the CLV National Assemblies on “Strengthening Parliamentary Oversights on Cooperation Initiatives in Cambodia - Laos-Viet Nam Development Triangle Area” held from 02-03 August 2017 in Vientiane, Lao PDR. We agree to strengthen communication on the economic development achievements of the CLV countries to promote understanding of the people and businesses of the three countries about the role and importance of the CLV DTA.

5. We reaffirm the importance of ensuring security, safety and stable environment for investors, businesses and people in the CLV DTA. We further strengthen our cooperation in preventing and combating cross-border crimes, illegal trade, including logging, drug and human trafficking, and terrorism; continue the clearance of unexploded ordnance (UXO) and explosive remnant of war in the CLV DTA. We stress the need for line agencies of CLV countries to jointly organize capacity building and information sharing programs. We also instruct that the “hotline” for emergency be improved, especially at the local level.

6. We commit to work together to promote trade and investment in the CLV DTA in accordance with the Agreement on Trade Promotion and Facilitation in the CLV DTA and the Agreement on the Promotion and Protection of Investment. We task the JCC to coordinate with other agencies to prepare the Action Plan for the implementation of these Agreements.

7. We note the progress of the work on the “Study Report on Development Plan of the Cambodia - Laos - Viet Nam Rubber Industry” by the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Lao PDR, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Viet Nam. We urge the three ministries to complete the Study Report and submit it to the 11th CLV Summit for consideration.

8. We reaffirm the importance of education collaboration among CLV countries. We ask to further improve communication and enhance commitment by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia, the Ministry of Education and Sport of Lao PDR and the Ministry of Education and Training of Viet Nam to exchange students, teachers and faculty members within the Development Triangle Area.

9. We emphasize the potential of sustainable tourism development in the CLV DTA and encourage the facilitation of travel as well as the promotion of “Three Countries One Destination”. We instruct the ministers responsible for tourism to finalize the CLV DTA Tourism Development Plan for submission to the 11th CLV Summit for adoption. 

10. We reaffirm our commitment to strengthen cooperation in combating infectious diseases, in particular in the border areas of the three countries through training and/or exchange of information, knowledge and experience in control and prevention of diseases, especially in the situation of outbreak.

11. We reaffirm our commitment to environmental protection, sustainable and efficient management and proper utilization of natural resources, including water resources, wildlife and forests. We encourage government agencies and other stakeholders to continue incorporating issues of sustainable development and environmental protection into cooperation programs among CLV countries. We encourage greater communication among three countries through early warning and information sharing systems on floods, droughts, natural disasters and cross-border pollution.

12. We express our appreciation to the development partners and international financial institutions for their contribution to the development of the CLV DTA. We encouragethe JCC to closely cooperate with development partners and international financial institutions in developing and undertaking program, projects to support the implementation of the Action Plan for Cambodia - Laos - Viet Nam Economic Connectivity up to 2030.

13. We emphasize the importance of CLV DTA information portal in providing  businesses and investors with accurate and updated information onthe potential, and preferential policies given to the CLV DTA, and urge the JCC to regularly update information on the CLV DTA website.

14. We express our appreciation to Lao PDR for agreeing to host the 11th CLV Summit in 2020.

Done in Hanoi, the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, in three copies in English language, on the Day of Thirty-One in the Month of March in the Year of Two Thousand and Eighteen.-VNA