476 National Assembly (NA) deputies have adopted the list of 47 people eligible for votes of confidence.


The National Assembly (NA) on June 10 voted on the list of people entitled to get votes of confidence for positions elected and approved the NA and local People’s Councils.

476 out of 483 deputies agreed upon the above list with 95.58 percent of the votes in favour, 1.2 percent against and 0.2 percent abstention.

Earlier, NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung reported on the implementation of the NA resolution clarifying the “vote of confidence” procedure for people in positions elected or approved by the National Assembly and local People’s Councils.

The vote accounting results will be announced on June 11 and the NA will approve a resolution confirming the results of votes of confidence.

The vote of confidence is considered a drastic change in the country’s political system with the aim of properly implementing Party Central Committee Resolution and legal regulations heightening the people’s right to mastery under NA supervision of people holding key Party and State posts.

Source: VOV