Some 1,200 boys in kindergarten schools have been found to be suffering from genital infections in Hanoi's Hoan Kiem District.

Doctors treat an infant with inguinal hernia. 

The finding has caused concerns among many parents in the district.

The news follows screening tests recently taken by Hanoi’s Family Planning and Population Centre and the Hanoi Nephrology Hospital.

Truong Kim Hoa, head of the centre, said this was the first year the district conducted screening tests for boys at local kindergarten schools.

Hoa said many boys were found to be sent to school when their genitals were not properly washed. Therefore, foreskin problems, including phimosis and infection among boys, were common, she said.

Nguyen The Luong, deputy head of the hospital who examined the children, said improper hygiene and negligence from parents were one of the causes for the infections.

Further, many parents knew their children were developing infections with foreskin, but they thought the children were too young or it was not a suitable time to seek medical help, he said.

Further, such infections pose risks later of children contracting diseases related to kidneys and urinary tract infections, he said.

Luong advised that genital infections found in children should be quickly treated.

This is particularly a problem for young boys with undescended testicles. According to the World Health Organisation, if children with undescended testicles are treated when they are 1 to 2 years old, then the ratio for later fathering children is 90 percent. 

However, it treatment is delayed until children are above 15 years old, the fertility ratio drops to 15 per cent.

Luong also urged parents to join together to prevent genital infections in children.